Color Psychology for Web/UX/UI/App Designers

In this online course you will learn to influence the behavior of your website visitors using colors, in order to improve user experience and conversion rates.

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This course is for:

  • Web designers
  • App designers
  • User experience designers
  • User interface designers
  • Content creators
  • Online shop owners


When you finish this course you will be able to:

  • Create beautiful color harmonies that will positively affect the mood of your visitors.
  • Use colors more effectively in e-commerce to increase sales.
  • Understand the physiological, psychological, and social influence of individual hues.
  • Choose appropriate colors for your website in a systematic manner.


This course includes:

  • 4 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion


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Trust experience!

Your instructor for this course has an engineering degree from the Swiss Institute of Technology, 32 years of international experience in design, working for some of the most prestigious corporations in the world, has designed over 80 professional level websites since 2000, and has received diverse levels of certification in psychology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, robotics and a number of programming and scripting languages including HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Java, Python, C, C++. In his private life, he is a keen student of mindfulness meditation, symbolism and esotericism.

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This course is for you!

People are physiologically, psychologically, and socially influenced by color and color sets the mood through which a design is seen.

Color psychology, which is the field of study of how color affects human behavior, has long been used by marketers and advertisers to convey specific feelings and messages to their markets. Our aim in this course is to teach you to do the same in user experience, user interface, and web design, which means that you must learn how different colors impact people, so that you can select appropriate colors for using in your concepts.

Notwithstanding the commonly accepted fact, that color does affect people, many believe this influence to be entirely culture based and completely subjective. In recent years, this assumption has been proven wrong experiment after experiment. When our eyes take in a color, say red, they communicate with our brain, which in turn sends a cascade of signals to different parts of our body through the release of different hormones, which cause fluctuations in mood, emotion, and resulting behavior, in everyone, without exceptions. One color may speed up the heart rate, while another may slow it down. It should therefore not come as a surprise that colors can influence people’s urge to purchase as well. In fact, we know that 60% to 90% of purchasing decisions are based on colors! Making sure that you use the right colors at the right places in your designs is very important, since your website’s color scheme not only impacts its aesthetics but also its usability and accessibility.

After you finish this course, you will be able to create beautiful color harmonies that will positively affect the mood of your visitors, understand the physiological, psychological, and social influence of individual hues, choose appropriate colors for your website in a systematic manner, use colors more effectively in e-commerce to increase sales, and much more.

This course is beneficial for user experience, user interface, web, and app designers and more generally content creators at all levels. The curriculum does not contain matters where understanding code, programming or even visual design would be required. The topics covered include how color is interpreted, its components, color theory, color harmonies, meanings of hues, how colors are effectively used in web design, and subjects that relate to designing for people with color vision deficiency, all explained in an easy to understand, basic manner.

You will receive a valuable certificate in “Color Psychology for Web Designers” that you can add to your CV when you finish this course.


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